Hi All!! Sorry it's been a while since I posted, but there's been a lot going on (I went on a real vacation!). The important thing is that the COOP IS DONE AND THE CHICKENS ARE LIVING IN IT, AND NOT IN MY BASEMENT! Wow, sorry I yelled but I'm just really psyched, especially about that last part. I think it is going to take a while for the smell of bird to clear out down there, but it's FINE. They are happy, and I am happy, and you will be happy looking through these pictures. The joy will cross the bounds of your screen into your mind.
TA DAAAAA! Here's the long shot view. The chickens are all in the coop right now. They LOVE it in there. They stay in there most of the time, even when the weather is gorgeous and they could be outside eating bugs. Chickens enjoy the simple things in life.
Here are the chickens in their coop with the access door open. My girls were anxious to spend some quality time with their chickens. The chickens feel wary at best when it comes to my children and here is why...
The squashing. And toting around like feathered sacks of potatoes. Doesn't Sunshine look like she's enjoying herself? No? Moving on...
We took Sunshine and Rose out of the run for some snuggle time and Rose immediately wanted back in, desperately. Clucky is giving her the "hahaha you're out there and I'm in here" look. How rude.
Then Birdsbun and Caterpillar joined in the taunting. Rose was not happy. But then...
Evelyn gave her some love which she accepted with good grace. Sunshine on the other hand refused to let Vivian love on her.
Run! Run for your life! There's a toddler chasing me! Oh the humanity! Er, the chickmanity? Things got pretty desperate. And then this happened...
That wily chicken climbed the coop and sat her fluffy self on the very top. Viv wasn't happy.
Poor Vivian. She just wants to squish you with her love, Sunshine!
Evelyn also tried to dislodge Sunshine from her lofty perch, but to no avail. She did manage to scare her enough that she poo pooed. I'm so glad I captured it in this photo. Aren't you? I think Sunshine wasn't so much scared as she was just doing what comes naturally. Chickens poop a lot.
She's lording it over us. Haha silly humans! You can't reach me up here! I'm invincible!